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DeckoWood Linear Wooden Ceiling

General Information


Lineer Ahşap Tavan Hook-On Sist Plan Kesit Sist Elemanları - Model - PDF

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Deckon Bandraster Ds En

Deckowood Spec Lineer Ahşap Şartname - Word

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Lineer wooden ceiling system is an extremely decorative ceiling system formed by aligning mdf particle board laths or solid wool laths with desired intervals and then being integrated to desired carrier system in a manner to enable it being mounted and demounted. Ease of cutting and processing of materials used, the width, height and length being at desired dimensions offers the designers vast possibilities. Lineer wooden look in shape of a grid contributes both to aesthetic concerns and the circulation of ambient air.

DeckoWood Wooden systems basically consists of three optional components: Open Lineer, Closed Lineer and Grid Aligning

• Lineer Panel systems may be produced with fixed width as well as with variable width lineer panels. • At the same time, ceilings may be given concave and convex form along with undulated dimensions.

Linear Ahşap Tavan Hook-On Sist Plan Kesit Sist Elemanları - DWG

Deckowood Spec Lineer Ahşap Şartname - PDF

Deckowood Spec Lineer Ahşap Hookon Şartname - Word

Projects Using Product

​DeckoWood Linear Wooden Ceiling Montage

Linear Ahşap Tavan T24 Borulu Sist Plan Kesit Sist Elemanları - Model - PDF

Linear Ahşap Tavan T24 Borulu Sist Plan Kesit Sist Elemanları - PDF

Deckowood Spec Lineer Ahşap Hookon Şartname - PDF

DeckoWood Hook-on System Wood Linear Ceiling DS - PDF

DeckoWood T24 System Wood Linear Ceiling DS - PDF

Deckowood Hook-On System Wood Linear Ceiling Ds En

Deckowood Hook-On System Wood Linear Ceiling Ds En

Deckowood Hook-On System Wood Linear Ceiling Ds Tr

Deckowood T24 System Wood Linear Ceiling Ds Tr

Deckowood T24 System Wood Linear Ceiling Ds En

Deckowood T24 System Wood Linear Ceiling Ds En

DeckoWood T24 System Wood Linear Ceiling DS AY

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